Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tagged again..

OK, I am suppose to tell you or show you my favorite movies as a kid in these categories. Surprisingly I found clips of all of them on youtube.
I loved Mr. Booggedy. It was a Disney movie, staring Kristy Swanson. I loved it as a kid.


I also loved The Explorers. Ethan Hawk,& River Phoenix when they were just starting out in movies. Its a close tie with Flight of the Navigator and this movie. Goonies is a close third


Newsies.Still a favorite. And Christian Bale..is still a favorite too!

You're Tagged: Jen, Jodi, Michelle & Hannah


Nate and Jen Poulson said...

I have Newsies on VHS if you want to come watch it.
Oh and the soundtrack too!

Holbrook's said...

OH my...I totally forgot about Mr. B! I also loved this movie! By the way, your blog inspired me to add music to mine and then I couldn't rest until I figured out how to make mine play shuffled as well. So thanks for the inspiration!