Sunday, July 27, 2008

All By Myself

Mike has been called to be the Executive Secretary in the ward. So, he now spends his Sundays in meetings at the church. And I spend Sunday home...with all the kids...on Sunday...alone...feeding them...washing them...playing with them...on Sunday...all by myself...alone. Ok,Ok, Im not complaining. Its great experience for Mike and I get to reap the blessings! He will be great at it! I just hope I can make it to church on time without any help. Its a struggle when there are two of us doing it, let alone winging it solo. And no matter how hard I try, someone will have something on their church pants by the time we get in the car. (Last week Zach had a Swedish fish stuck to his bum, Tanner picked it off in sacrament meeting and ate it!)
Its Murphys Law I guess.
I made these for his meeting this morning. Just in case anyone forgets that they need to CHOOSE THE RIGHT (C.T.R). My personal cupcakes should say "B.O.T."---BE ON TIME. I guess I'll have to make those next week.


Unknown said...

I'm so impressed with your cupcakes! I feel your pain, Dave is gone a lot on sunday and it's so hard to get there on time! Today I thought we were going to be early but then Sol had a melt down and we pretty much missed Sacrament Meeting. Good luck! :)

Holbrook's said...

You are a superstar! That you can even manage to make those awesome cupcakes with three crazy boys it an amazing feat!! Good luck on Sundays!

Michelle said...

Mmm those look really good to me right about now...well actually treats always look good to me, that's the problem:) Today I asked Cole how much weight he thought I'd gained. He's like 3 pounds (don't you just love him) to which I just laughed and then told him what he'd have to add to those 3 pounds to be at the actual number.