Thursday, April 9, 2009


A friend posted a link to this short little movie recently. Its called CREATE. It is on the the churches website. Go here to see it. Click on the movie screen by the word CREATE.

After watching it several times, I was bawling like a baby. This touches me on so many levels. I have struggled with letting "the voice of the critics" paralyze me.
As many of my close friends know, I use to sing. I sang all the time. I was involved in choirs and productions. I was asked to sing solos at a variety of events. Then I had the twins. With twins, came the inablity to use my diaphram as I once did. When you have two babies in your belly, the only place your diaphram has to go, is to scrunch up and be less active. It was very hard for me to sing as I once had. With less confidence and no practice, I just stopped singing altogether.
Recently, I have been more willing to try to sing again. After 2 preformances in the past year, I have had blows to my confidence. I was once confident and nerves didnt get the best of me. Now, I shake so badly that I cant control my voice.
There will always be someone who does things better than you do. But, when that person says negative remarks or insinuates that they could have done it better, it discourages you. I hope I can get over the critics, and my own insecurities and start to do what I love again. Its been 4 years and I really miss it.
I havent considered myself to be a creative person. But, I think I should give myself more credit and stop worrying about the things I CANT do and encourage myself to continue the things I CAN do. I can always learn new things. That is the beauty and purpose to life. I am constantly trying to BECOME more.
This video really spoke to me. Maybe it will speak to you.


texaswilliams said...


Your voice is beautiful!!!!! Share it Sister. I had no idea you felt like this. Beautiful voice, beautiful girl beautiful family........go set the world on fire!! We miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Keep singing, girl!!! You have a beutiful voice - I remember being so jeaulos (however you spell it!!!!) of you. I know you can do it, b/c I've heard it. About being nervous to perform, I know everything about it! A funny story about that....a couple of years ago I was asked to play a piano solo for sacrament meeting. I played the organ for sacrament meetings back then, since I was the only one who would do it in our ward. I've taught myself to play the organ, and it shows (I should probably say "hear"!!!) Anyway, since no-one else would play I didn't give a d_ _ _ what other people thought. Having to play a solo on the piano however, is something else, since I DO know how to do that - most of the time anyways:-) I had BIG butterflies in my stomach that Sunday morning. I had chosen a piece that I know pretty well, nevertheless I made a mistake after a couple of seconds and it totally got me off the wrong cord -literally speaking :-) I got so nervous that my legs started shaking - and shaking REALLY bad. I totatally lost control og my reight leg, and within seconds the whole grand piano was half jumping up and down for the rest of the song. The people on the frontrow was trying to hide their smiles....I was mortified!!! And bright red!!! And still couldn't help laughing b/c the whole situation was just so, well, funny (had I not been the one playing, of course). Anyway, this is just to say, that we all make mistakes, even at things we know well, even things we are really good at. But we all make mistakes -and really, who cares? Everybody does it, and those who don't really should move on to next level (= heaven/hell), and leave the rest of us doing those things we enjoy, even if it isn't always perfect (like my english....did you understand ANYTHING I wrote????) Whatever you do, don't stop singing. Love you! -Maria

Nikki Painter said...

I always enjoy hearing your voice at church , it is lovely.