And the glitter eggs make "Glitter Egg Salad"!?!
Hershey Park opened for SPRING IN THE PARK. The kids havent forgotten how to ride the rides. They are tall enough this year to ride 2 of the rollercoasters. Everyone loved the coasters, except mom, who swallowed a bug.
We went to the zoo...
Derry Township's Egg hunt.I thought Mike brought the kids coats, he thought I did. No one had coats but Asher and mom. We thought it was supposed to be warm that day. so I went with wet hair and was 42 degrees and WINDY! Everyone was freezing. Eventually, we borrowed a jacket from Liam, Tanner wore a spare mom's jacket. And a blanket from the car kept everyone sane.
Easter bunny arrived. Everyone loved their stash! Isnt it weird how the big kids seem to love the baby toys more than the babies?
Easter Sunday, all my boys!
Friends and Family came over to have a wonderful Easter dinner. Im taking the pic so you cant see my mouth filled with delcious food. It was a great day. We love you all, thanks for coming!
Looks like you have your hands full and are staying busy. I can't believe you still have time to put together such nice tables and make great meals.
Ok can your boys get any cuter?? Seriously I LOVE their smiles! How cute are their Easter sweaters!!! Yes im on the downhill stretch 2 weeks to go, yay!! Im sure I will be sending you lots of messages getting some advice! ps you look ao good and I miss you, are you coming to Utah soon?
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