Saturday, August 30, 2008


Yes, it is time to bottle peaches! Yummy. We headed out on Saturday morning to pick peaches and pears. Unfortunately, some Mennonites & Amish beat us to the pears. There wasn't one good pear left. The boys always enjoy getting to the orchards and running around. Its good for them to experience nature and it burns off energy. Who couldn't ask for there 3 year olds to take a 2 hour nap? And the peaches...well they will be wonderful all winter long!

1 comment:

Weston and Becky said...

din drang er STOR, hvad sketer? Hvordan har du det? Skal I var i Utah snaert, ellers er I glad at vaera vhor I er? Vi fandt ud af, vi skal ha' en dreng in December.
Haber I ha det godt.