Saturday, August 2, 2008

The hills are alive with the sound of screaming

We did it, we finally went camping. And yes, we survived. We left Friday to camp at Pine Grove Furnace State Park. Our friends, the Poulsons, joined us for a fun filled night of camping in the great outdoors. I felt bad for all the adjacent campers who had to listen to my boys screaming and running through the woods all day. But hey, that happens when there are 5 little boys, 3 of whom are 3 years old. Then the neighbors had to listen to me blabbering all night around the campfire. Poor souls!
The bad news was there were only non flushable toilets at the site. Yuck!
The good news is there were no major accidents and no major meltdowns. Asher was a champ and slept more in the van that night than he does at home. We woke up and had a pancake breakfast the next morning. Bacon & cantaloupe too. Yum! Then we drove over to the lake for a little swimming and lunch. It was so fun! There were a few things we forgot to bring, but overall, it was a success! Cant wait to do it again!

What do I need a rain cover for? rain Mike. Guess who was running around in their underwear in the dark in the rain to find a rain cover at 3 AM?

The mighty camping boys! Tanner, Liam & Zachary. Wondering about Zach's nose, see post from Aug 1st.


Zach & Tanner at the Lake

Inside the Tent with Jen, Liam & Tanner

Why should we sleep in our sleeping bags when dad's bed is more comfy?

Did I actually get any sleep on this mattress...No.

We forgot to bring a spatula for the pancakes, but "McGuyver" Jen engineered one out of a cd she found in her car. Good thinking girl, worked like a charm!

1 comment:

Hannah and Mike said...

Thats great that you went camping. We love to go. Its a lot of work, of course, but worth it because the kids have a lot of fun. Pretty funny about the rain fly? The one night you don't put it on, it will rain.