Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Asher is TWO!!!

These are my two year old pictures that we took yesterday! Im still cute, even though I didnt want to look at the camera.
I cant believe my baby is two years old. He is getting so big. He is already a giant for his age. I look like Im trying to cuddle a watermelon when I'm carrying him around.
Here are the stats:
Height : 39.5 inches (98th percentile)
Weight : 34.1 (94th percentile)
This boy is sure to be a big guy.His weight surprised me because at home our scale said he was heavier. But I was grateful in some ways, cuz maybe that means I'm a few pounds lighter too! So far, he will be our tallest son based on projection.
Asher is a sweetheart most of the time. Recently he has started to hit other kids when he playing. Im hoping this is just a stage. Usually he is really nice.
He loves to give "huggies" and kisses (especially loves to kiss Jenny P! On the lips no less). He has two things that he must watch everyday. Sometimes multiple times a day. Baby Doolittle ( all about animals) and Blues Clues.
Asher loves to eat string cheese, scrambled eggs, mac n cheese, broccoli, green beans, black beans, cold corn, yogurt, chips of any kind, Hershey kisses, pizza, lunch meat, fruit of any kind, lollipops and lemonade.
He has been dying to ride a bike like the kids. So, we got him a bike for his birthday and he is learning to ride it. In just a few days he is doing new stuff on it. He learns so quickly.
He can name at least 10 of the letters of the alphabet.
He is in a phase right now where he wont eat breakfast cereal. Only savory breakfast items like eggs, bacon, bagels with cream cheese.- Kinda weird but he doesn't like the sugary stuff. I dont blame him. I dont like sweet stuff for breakfast either.

He loves the moon and wants to see it as much as possible. He also loves the book GOODNIGHT MOON and can point out everything on the pages.
Asher loves to color. He calls it "Blue Cayon" when he wants crayons.

He loves to play with trains
He has a blankie he calls "BEE" and he must have BEE and a "pil-woo" (pillow) to sleep.
He loves to go outside and explore. He plays in dirt and flowerbeds with shovels for hours. When he is ready to go outside, he begs for his shoes.
He adores the twins and can say their names. He calls Tanner "Nanna".
He really loves grandmas, grandpas and aunts and uncles. For some reason he always asks for Neal. Which is strange since Neal hasnt lived close to us since January of this year. Neal must have left quite and impression on Asher.
We love this little monkey. We are so glad he is ours. What a precious boy he is.

Love you Asher! Happy Birthday

Is there anything cuter than a baby in white? I dont think so!
This tree has been in bloom every year on Ashers birthday
I love to play with trains!

Happy Birthday Lovie Boy!

1 comment:

Whidget said...

Eli really misses you guys! He said he misses Zach, Tanner, Asher and Tanner's mommy.

