Friday, February 20, 2009

Funny quotes from this month

The boys have been saying some funny things lately. Here are a few of my fav's from this month.

Zach:" Mom, Tanners crying like a Chaka Khan-Baby head face".
(His father has taught him to say Chaka-Khan since his infancy. Its one of those words that is a subsitute for a curse word in our house. Instead of yelling, Judas Priest! Or Gadfrey Ortega! Mike yells, Chaka-Khan!)

Zach:" Daddys a boy, Tanners a boy, Zachs a boy, Ashers a boy, and mommy is a girl. But when she grows up, she can be a boy".

Tanner overhears me ordering fries & chicken nuggets for him a Wendy's. And starts crying hysterically. In our family we have called Chicken nuggets "bok-boks". Now that the boys are growing up I decided that we should call them their proper name (no not, glutenous beak meat). Tanner is unsure of why I would order "Nuggets". I get out to comfort him:
Me: "Why are you crying Tanner. mommy got you some nuggets and fries?"
Tanner:" I dont like poo nuggets and french fries. Get me bok-bok's".
I guess we have confused him.

Me: Is Asher poopy, I smell something"
Zach smelling Ashers diaper "Yes mom, there is a loaf in there."

Zach singing "Follow the Prophet" crawling behind Asher
" Follow the goo-goo's. Follow the goo-goo's. Follow the goo-goo's, dont go astray"
-I think Asher will grow up thinking his name is Goo-Goo.

Zach: "Mom can I have a dog named Miss-T and cat like Grandma Babbel in Utah?"
Me: "No, sorry mom is allergic to cats".
Zach: "Ok, lets go get the dog right now"

Tanner:" I coloring a picture for daddy"
Me: "What is it?"
Tanner "Its a frog for his pocket."
Me:"Does Daddy like frogs in his pocket?"
Tanner: "No, but I do!"

--Never a dull moment here.