Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Abby Cadabby

For the past week Zachary has been going number 2 in the toilet at the same time everyday. As soon as Sesame Street is over, he runs to the bathroom. I just thought it was his body clock getting regular at the same time everyday. Then I figured it out.
I was sitting in front of the TV folding laundry, (the job that never ends) and I hear Abby Cadabby talking. Abby is this new character they have added to Sesame Street in the last year. She is a "fairy god-child" who is pink and carries a fairy wand. Undoubtedly, the people at Sesame Street finally realized that to really get the girl market in Sesame's retail industry, they needed to add a feminine character to the show that little girls actually liked.Most little girls weren't going to carry around cookie monster, Grover, or Bert & Ernie. Prairie Dawn just wasn't cutting the mustard with her whinny voice, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and her annoying talent of playing the piano to answer questions in song. Not to mention, the name Prairie Dawn!? And who in their right mind would ever think of making a "MARIA the Fix-it-Shop" doll? I can just see some poor mom trying to push that one at the store."Look honey, a Hispanic doll that speaks English and can repair a toaster in less than 5 minutes. All for under 10 dollars! She is a must have!".
Anyway, whenever Abby disappears, she lifts her fairy wand and says " I've got to POOF now". Then she is gone. So, this morning I hear Zach answer back to her. "I POOP too now. BYE!" And he runs to the bathroom.

Thanks for all the potty training help Sesame Street. I knew PBS was good for kids!


Michelle said...

That is so funny. Asher is such a combination of your twins looks to me. I can't wait to meet him in a few weeks. Cole and I are super excited because by the time we see you guys we will know the gender of our baby (June 17th at 8:00 not that I'm counting down or anything:) I love the picture of the boys where Asher's arm is on Tanners shoulder. They look like "buds".

Nate and Jen Poulson said...

Who knew SS could be educational and functional all at the same time. See it pays to have kids that don't speak perfectly. Me, I do anything to not have to change a poopy diaper. So go Abby go.