Friday, May 23, 2008

Soundtrack of my life

For the past 6 (7 in Sept) years, Mike has had funny little songs he sings to me during specific situations. When we first got married, and we would fight, he would sing the song BILL OF SALE from the movie Pete's Dragon. The lyrics he would emphasize are "We got a bill of sale right here that says he belongs to us.
Fight all ya want,won't do no good to holler and fume and fuss". It would always break the tension because I would start laughing. I guess Mike thought I would never threaten to leave because "he had a bill of sale" after we got married. Apparently that bill of sale "marriage license" gave him supreme power over me (we all know how that has worked out over the years, hehehe).

Later in our marriage, when we would fight, he would start singing a Michael Bolton song. The only thing is, he would leave out the most important part of the song, which is the finishing of the stanza. He would only sing "I said I loved you but, I lied". He would leave it at that. I would start laughing, lightening the mood, but not always ending the fight.

Now days, when we are in a tussle, Mike will try to hug me and kiss me in the middle of the argument. He will interrupt me ,(because I am always right) and start singing " You've lost that loving feeling". The opening line he sings to me is "You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips". Of course, I'm usually mad and so of course my eyes are open. Usually glaring and giving him the stinky eye.

My husband loves to sing to me. And I find it amusing most days. Until the other day,when he was singing "Fat Bottom Girls" to me. I guess I cant use my 5 week old baby as an excuse anymore,eh?

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