Monday, May 19, 2008

On a Personal Note

Ok, I really am grateful for my new baby. I love him dearly, but what I really hate is BREASTFEEDING. Seriously, it amazes me how much some women love it. I hate everything about it. I only do it because I know its good for my baby and its cheaper than formula. If one more person tells me that its" such a wonderful time to be with my baby and just bond", I will freak out and slap them. GOOD for them...SUCKS for me! Why cant babies just drink bacon grease to bulk up? OK..I will get off my soapbox now.

1 comment:

Katie May said...

So Eden, I found your blog through Heidi Jones' blog, so I'll admit to my "blog-stalking". Anyway, I cannot agree more fully!!! I hate everything about it, and yet I suffer through it every day. Although, on Gredtel's first birthday I whipped out the whole milk and quite cold turkey! And I won't be surprised if I do the same for little Mayzie! Your boys are adorable and it's a good thing that little Asher is so cute or else it might not make breastfeeding worth it!