Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Amusing Conversations

In the past several months I have had some of the funniest conversations with people. I thought I would share the three that were the best.

-I love my home teachers. They are great guys. While I was still pregnant and growing bigger everyday, they came to our home. As they enter, one guys says to me: " Wow, your bosom is looking really big!" He was staring at my pregnant belly. I smiled, because I knew that he meant my tummy, but it was too funny. I didn't want to embarrass him so I said "Yes, its getting bigger and bigger each day".
Even his companion caught the slip and smiled but we kept our composure. When they left, Mike closed the door and looked me in the eye..."Did he say "Your Bosom?". We started laughing hysterically. Mike said "I wanted to say to him...Thanks for noticing my wife's bosom, they have always been quite big!"."Why do you think I married her?".

-I was shopping at the grocery store with the kids.
Cashier: "Are your boys twins?"
Eden: "Yes they are"
Cashier: "Do twins run in your family"
Eden: "No, we were just lucky"
Cashier: "So were they a surprise"
Eden: " They were a surprise, but I had infertility issues and had to have medical help to get pregnant, so I knew there was a possibility for twins".
Cashier: "Oh..so do they know who their father is?"
(So at this point, I am so confused )
Eden:"Well, yeah"
Cashier: I just know that it is really expensive to do DNA testing"
(At this point I am assuming she is talking about In-vitro fertilization and mixing up sperm samples or something).
Eden: "Well, I have only ever heard of one famous case of that happening"
Cashier: "Oh honey, it happens all the time. I have a niece who doesn't have a clue who her babies dads are. It cost her close to 6,000 dollars to figure them all out".
---Pause...awkward silence...I act distracted by the kids because I have no idea what she is talking about--- 30 second pass...
Cashier: "You said infertility didn't you"...
Eden: "Yeah"

It wasn't until I got to my car that I realized she thought I said INFIDELITY.

- I was talking on the phone about a 'Peas in a Pod" group for mothers with multiples that I belong to. Zach heard me talking about it and came in to correct me.
Eden:" Is the activity with "Peas in a Pod?"
Zach: " No mom, no Pee in the pot. I Poo in the pot!"
Sure enough, there was a present waiting for me in the bathroom toilet.

Too funny!

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