Friday, June 5, 2009

Update on The West

Remember when I mentioned New Mexico was looking like a go. After being open and available for years, they finally placed someone permanently. Coincidently, they placed someone right before we decided we were finally ready to go. So...we are still here. We are fine with that for now. It still looks like it may go west in the next little while, but we arent sure to which state we will be going.Because Mikes company is eastcoast based, it is difficult to find people out here, who want to stay in the west, since they mainly hire people from the east. They have that mentality "what the heck is in Salt Lake City? Or Denver or Tucson?"
Now that they know we are willing to leave, who knows what they will open for us.
Isnt this the way things always go. You finally decide you are ready, and its no longer waiting for you.
Anyway...just an update.

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