Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Funny Talk

My kids are getting pretty funny as they grow. I think someday the boys will read this an be glad I kept a blog. Here are a couple funny things that I want to remember.

I asked Tanner what he wanted to be when he grows up. He thought about it for a minute and then said . "A King!"- I dont blame him, what could be better?

Zach: "Mom, when I grow up I want to be a waterboy. Then I can give them drinks of water when they are thirsty. They will be so proud!"
(um, I have no idea where he even saw or heard of a waterboy?)

Tanner was calling Zach a "poohead" over and over. I told him to stop calling people that. I told him it wasnt a nice word and hurt peoples feelings. He had to tell Zachary sorry and then we were going to bed.
Mom:" Good night Zach. Good night Asher. Good night Tanner, I love you".
Tanner: " Good night mom. Good night Asher...(a couple seconds pass)...Good night Poo head!

Tanner singing "Barbra Ann", by the Beach Boys-
"bob,bob,bob,bob the man. bob,bob,bob,bob, bob, the man".
Tanner also knows all the words to Sugar, Sugar- by the Archies (on our blog player).

Zach loves to sing "I like to move it, move it" from the Madagascar soundtrack.
His newest song is "Shake your groove thing". He sings "Shake your boob thing, shake your boob thing, yeah yeah!
(geez. A typical boy. Do I have to explain this over and over again for the next 14 years?)
Little Asher is starting to say a few things too: Cat, Up, Out, Down, Hi, and "Ack"=Zach.

1 comment:

clintandleximorgan said...

so cute Eden! Love to listen to kids tell adult things and listening to kids sing is such a joy...even when they get the words wrong. That is quite humerous!