Saturday, June 20, 2009

Like An Alcoholic in a open bar

Have I mentioned that I got the my cable company to give me free HBO and a DVR for a year? Yeah, its a long story. But the bottom line is...I should never have been given a DVR.
Seriously, its like a magic little red button, that makes me happy every time I push it. I go to sleep at night, and awake to a magical Christmas morning of new movies and episodes. My newest treasures in my vault are from this great show called, Tori and Dean, Home sweet Hollywood.
Seriously, can anything be more dumb than this show that I am utterly and totally addicted too? I cant help it. I love it!
What about old episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond,Friends, and Top Chef? I watch them over and over again.It never bores. I dont have to wade through the junk Mikey wants to watch like Ghost Hunters (its completely fake people!), Rocky movies (Sly, your acting is as bad as Chris O'donell, Keanu and Nicholas Cage), or Animal Planet (like I need to see Manatee eating, mating and pooping in the wild?!). Always something to watch that I enjoy, just for me, just for me, just for me.
Hello, My name is Eden, and I am a DVR junkie.
Gotta Go...Tori Spelling is calling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

he he I can totally relate! Its bad and you'll NEVER go back! I like that show to, so dumb but addicting!