Sunday, June 7, 2009

Nothing but crickets chirpping

The lesson in Gospel Doctorine class this week was on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. We have an amazing teacher, fun, smart, witty. Its obvious he prepares for his lessons and is well read. During the discusion which is focused on sections of the d&c, I decide to ask a question. Thinking that maybe someone in the class has some insight, citation or can direct me to a quote or talk, I ask " Can someone dispell this myth or tell me where I can find information about Utah being destroyed in the last days. I've heard a couple statements that in the last days Utah will be one of the most wicked places, and will be one of the first places to be destroyed. Is this just mormon myth?"
Cue crickets...

I forgot that I am in a room with about 30-35 people, probably half from Utah. I dont think they liked that sentiment or rumor passed along. The teacher jumps in "Nope, Ive never heard that. Its not in the scriptures". has anyone else ever heard this notion? I am sure its just folklore, prepetuated by non-Utah mormons to feel better about not living there. But, seriously am I the only person who has ever heard this?
Yeah, I felt dumb. But, the funniest part was when our friend approached me after class and said with a grin "Eden, Yes, Utah will be destroyed, everything but South Jordan of course!"-He is a SJ boy and his wife is from there too. I had to laugh, maybe I have heard too many of the Mormonlore stories.


Amber said...

I didn't think it was a dumb question, but I can't help you because I just haven't ever heard that. I'm sure that you are right about that being Mormon folklore.

Maleah said...

Sorry E, I've never heard of it either, but that's probably because BYU would have to be the Sodom of the myth! Nobody here would ever admit to it. . .as it turns out, we are getting hit by the swine flu plague. . .maybe more plagues are on the way!