Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Zachary has been using some foul language lately. We have been trying to make sure he understands how inappropriate it is. Its been difficult to make sure he isnt saying naughty things to friends. So far, he only says these things to Tanner.

A while ago I let him watch Back to the Future 3. The one with the flying train. He likes the whole cowboy thing, and trains, so I figured it would be ok. Little did I remember that they say "A--h---" about 20 times in this film. I turned it off when I realized what they were saying. Not even thinking that Zach had heard it.
So one day we are in the car, and I hear him say "Tanner, you are such a A------".
Mike and I were floored. He was sternly talked to. Mike looked at me, like I had been saying it. I was insulted. But, thought hard into my recollection to see if there was a kernel of truth in the blame.
My mouth has been known to extremes when stressed or angry. Its a bad habit I struggle with on occassion. Then I remembered the movie. I felt better that I believed he hadnt heard it from me.

Monday he was sitting in the car next to Tanner and again we hear him say "Tanner, your a S---Head". WHAT????
After he gets reprimanded again, Mike turns to me and says "Nice job, Mom". Then he starts chuckling under his breath. -Had I said that word? Had I said it in front of him? Its not something I say, but maybe...I racked my brain. Feeling guilty all the way home.
Seriously, I have no idea where he is hearing all this stuff. I am going to have to repent majorly for anything I may have said. Then I need to throw away all our TV'S. I really cant trust the shows on television anymore. -who knows.

I honestly cannot be blamed for what he calls his favorite restaurant. He has a hard time with his R's.
He cant pronounce FUDDRUCKERS correctly. It comes out explicit if you change your R to and F.- I promise, I dont call it that. My apologies to our old Home teachers, who were exposed to this phenomena repeatedly. I really dont call it that.
Hopefully, this will be a lesson to me about my language. Also, I must be more mindful of all the things the kids are hearing these days. They are soaking it all in. Even if I think they are unaware.

1 comment:

Chris and Suzette said...

Let me just say that I am laughing out loud!!