Thank you all for sending me your email addresses. I will definately add you when this turns private. I have been solicited by family members to keep it open until my new little man arrives. Just in case great gradmas and grandpas forget how or dont know how to sign in to see pictures.
So...with that in mind, I will hold off for just a little longer before going private.
As far as updates on the baby go:
We have narrowed things down to three names. We each have our preferences but want to see what this little guy looks like before making any announcments. At my 35 week appt I was 50% effaced with no dialation. And he is TRANSVERSE...yuck. Hopefully that will change in the next couple weeks.
. Im tired of being pregnant but want to make sure he can pack on some lbs before arriving. He is measuring in the 50 percentile, so we are sure he wont be too big. Anytime around 38 weeks would be perfect. I would love a baby born on Valentines Day!
We toured the hospital we will deliver at. Its newer, but Im still a little nervous about it. I've heard good and bad reviews. If the tour was any indication of patient care, I will be really sad.
We arrived to a group of people waiting for the tour in the lobby just before 7 pm, the scheduled time. This alone was annoying because they only do 2 tours a month, and they are only at night. Thus, anyone with children had to get a baby sitter since it was bedtime and children under 12 werent allowed on the floor. Anyway- we wait for about 15 min, when a man with a wife who had been on bedrest for 3 months, gets up and goes to the intercom. He explains that they along with others are waiting for a 7pm tour and its been 15 min with no acknowledgment from staff. His wife is sitting in a wheel chair with cervical issues, and needs to get home ASAP. Could they hurry things along. The nurse says she will send someone and that is that.
7:30 rolls around and still, we have seen
no one. Assuming they are very busy, I stand and gently remind them that we are all still waiting (most of us, some people were already mad and left). A postpartum nurse sticks her head out and tells us how busy they are and someone will be there shortly. After another 5-10 min a woman comes to greet us. She explains that she is just a surgical tech for the C-section team, but will give us a brief tour of the floor. As we walk we see very little action and hardly any people. The nurses stations are full of nurses sitting and talking, laughing and eating.-The tech tells us how things vary at this hosptial from feast to famine with deliveries. We ask about that evening and she tells us how they arent busy...
REALLY?!?!I pass the postpartum desk and see the nurses chatting. Wow...really working your butts off girls!
Seemed very laid back. No WIFi, the cafeteria closes at 6 and they dont like to take babies to the nursery at night, if they can help it. Rooming in is prefered.- Blah, Blah, Blah.
Im hoping my stay is better than I am imagining it will be. I should have toured the hospital first, then picked my doc based on the hospital.:)
Anyway--heres to counting down this pregnancy. Im ready to breath again.