Monday, March 29, 2010

Blogging with a purpose

We all do it at one time or another. We all get sucked into the blogging trap of comparing,jealousy, sour grapes,curiosity or haughty feelings after visiting some blogs.
Its human nature at its worst. Does blogging really have to be that way?
You can enjoying blogging without feeling its all about self promotion and competition.
One way is by remembering that its only hand picked snapshots into their world. Only the edited life they want you to see. "Reality" isnt all real.
Photoshop exists for the purpose of enhancement. Talent can be practiced, learned and honed. Creativity comes to us all in our own way if attempted.
Life is bright and dark.
Some times you will only see the posts about the vacations, trips, new furniture, majestic new homes, perfect Barbie and Ken marriages, and beautiful babies.
But maybe thats all you want to see.
Most people are home more than they are in an exotic paradise. Some people are scared to leave their own town or state. Some never have new furniture and make do or re-do hand me downs and they call it a hobby. It makes them happy to recycle the old.
A home can be small and still feel more grand than a castle on a hill. Many people will not
have more than a small parcel of land to call their own. And that will be enough.
Most marriages are up and down. They have fights, pity parties, love, kid problems, mental problems, financial problems, romantic problems, spiritual problems.
Most beautiful babies have an ugly or awkward stage. Many grow into very plain adults. Their infancy was their peak in the good looks category.
But, you may never see a blog post about any of that.

Someone once told me that she didn't like blogs because they were a virtual pride promoter. While that may be true in some cases, I feel that blogging can serve a great purpose for journaling and record keeping. Especially if you create a hard copy for future reflection such as a blurb book or other tangible record.

This is where my friend enlightened my mind and my heart about the art of blogging. She is one amazing woman . I adore her and she doesn't even know it. As far as I can tell she and I are (to quote my Anne of Green Gables) very "kindred spirits". At moments, I look at her and think "Wow, what would it be like to be that talented"? She is an amazing person and I really enjoy listening to what she has to say and how she views the world.With that said, she taught me some really neat things about blogging and turning your online journal into more than just an online bragging place.
After a couple hours of instruction and ideas, she gave me a much needed mental priority check.
So, after some thought and reflection I have decided to make my blog a little more personal, a little more reflective about my thoughts and feelings. And a little more relevant.
Yes, I will still post the random things that happen in life. I will still record the things my kids said or the pictures that captured the moments. But, I wont be doing it for you.
I'll be doing it for them.
Its my kids that I am doing this for. For them to see who we were as a family. For them to see who I was and am as a person, other than mom. To see that I loved them, always. Even in the naughtiest, ugliest and craziest moments of life.
This blog will be for them.
Please don't feel like you cannot read it. After all, I'd make it private if I thought our life was secretive or elite. Privy to only those who love me the most, or make me the most pumpkin chocolate chip bread. :)
Read on, but know its with a more firm purpose and a little more direction that I will continue my blogging.


Kids in the Kong said...

Well said!

I totally agree with you and your friend’s observations of blogs and continue to look forward to reading your blog.

My reasons for blogging primarily two-fold:
(1) Keeping family and good friends informed (it makes it seems like we don’t live on the other side of the world).
(2) Printing our blog and using it as “the scrapbook” (other than this the kids will only have a baby book).

So while it may seem like life is usually “great”, it is selective—to what I want my kids to know and remember. And it is selective because I don’t have the time or energy to post many of the little things.

But you have opened my eyes a little more. It is the little or mundane things that make life go.

Chris and Suzette said...


Holbrook's said...

I totally love you Eden and wish I could have the opportunity to know you better! I love everyone in your family that I have met...Ok maybe not Taylor...JK! My blog is now the longest running 'journal' I have ever done. I do it for my family and friends that don't get to see us very often, but mostly I do it for my future family as well. I want to have some sort of record and I just can't stand writing in a journal. But I totally know what you mean and agree whole heartedly. I too will try to be more meaningful in my blogging. Thanks for the eye-opener!!