Monday, July 6, 2009

July 4th!

Well, as circumstance would have it, I left my camera at home for all the Independence Day activities. My appologies to the grandmas who were waiting so eagerly.

We did have a great day. My parents came down from Nazareth. We took a picnic lunch to the local pool. Ate and had a great time swimming. Then pizza for dinner and off the to Hershey Symphony Orchestra preformance. It was awesome! I think my favorite was when they played Bring Him Home from Les Miserables , dedicated to the soliders still fighting around the world. The man who sang was amazing. Then the fireworks show.

A late evening for Asher who normally goes to bed at 7:30. He was delirious by the end of the fireworks that ended around 10:30. Poor Baby. He was, as always, the perfect baby.

Asher also got a hair cut. He had a trim when he was little but, this was a real, in the salon hair cut. All those curls...gone for now. But, showing signs of coming back soon. I could barely see his eyes for a while. Here is the not so happy picture now. Sorry about the shadows, my camera is awful!

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