Thursday, July 9, 2009

Book worm

Most people know that I love to read. I have been a slacker about writing down some of the books I have read. While, I dont reccomend some of them, I will give you a brief overview of the books I have read since March.
Guilty by Ann Coulter:

Interesting book. Not really a fan of hers, but she did have many good points. I consider myself a conservative and so I had common ground on some points, but not all points. The chapter about how Single Motherhood has been glamourized by Hollywood and media, and the contribuition single motherhood adds to to social issues like crime stats, STD's, Abuse, prison. Pretty fasinating and right on the money in my oppinion.- It is definately one more thing I have read that solidifies my ideals of defining marriage between 1 man and 1 woman. Very interesting book. Not for everyone.

Blessings by Anna Quindlen
A baby left on a garage doorstep. The grounds keeper at a historic lovely home finds the baby and takes care of it.- This is how the story begins. You need to read the rest. Good, light, interesting summer read.

Persuasion by Jane Austen. I had never read this classic until June. Its more insightful to the movie, if you read the book. It was an easy short read. Finished it in 2 days. I can never get enough Austen..but why, oh why, cant people just come out and say what they mean and what they want. They stand in rooms together in silence, thinking crazy things, and never (out of propriety) say a word to anyone. Maybe my blabbermouth could learn something from this time period.

Due to the fact that I am in Hershey, I figured I should know something about Milton Hershey. What a cool guy. Im currently in the middle of The Emperors of Chocolate: the secret world of Hershey and Mars. by Joel Glenn Brenner- I must say, its delightful, loving it so far!I'll review when Im done.

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