Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Great Quotes from this week

At Stake Confrence:
"There are always lots of rumors that fly when stake confrence arrives. We do nothing to dispell them becuase speculation is great for attendence".
Another Stake Confrence Quote:
-Phoenix Arizona Mission Pres. Beck-
"There is no growing in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growing zone".
During an FHE lesson on the new temple being built here in our area we asked the kids the following. "Do you know what we do at the temple?"

Zach: "We get married there to our sweethearts."
Tanner: "We talk to Jesus there"
Asher: "We see the Christmas lights!!! WOOHOO!"

I made the boys watch Sound of Music. They were getting distracted during Do Re Mi. Ya know, when they are having a picnic and singing up on the moutain top. I tried to get them back into it by saying "Watch this, I love this part. Its such a cool part." Zach says in really sarcastic voice. "Why?...Do they all fall off the mountain?"

Um, ok. Maybe I shouldnt push these musicals at them. Last time I watched Seven brides for Seven brothers Zach asked "Are they going to get crushed by the avalanche?" When I said "no, but close" he disappointedly said "Darn it".

1 comment:

Holbrook's said...

Don't ever give up on the little sis has two boys and the oldest can often be heard singing from any number of Disney or Rogers and Hamerstein musicals. :)