Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Here are some pictures of my darling guys. I cant get enough. I think they are too cute.
Frosting anyone?

This is a hat, not a shirt, duh!

Tan the Man
Off to school on "brown day"

In lieu of the "first day" photo.

Isnt he so cute?

Cute kindergarten brothers. Its no

wonder their teachers love them already!


Whidget said...

Cute boys--I like Tanner's hair way better than Zach. Do you just do them different because you don't want them to look too much alike? Or does Zach already have an opinion? Eli's is a sad shaggy little mop because he hates getting haircuts so I put them off horribly. Nice talking to you! I MISS YOU!

Chris and Suzette said...

Cute boys! They both look darling in brown.

Jodi said...

I cant believe you have kids in kindergarten!! They look so cute! So Im taking your advise and going to Destin, FL this weekend:) Where should we go while we are there? I cant wait to have a weekend to just lounge around on the beach!