Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our sweet little Asher turned 4!
I will admit it, I didnt do a very good job with Ashers Birthday celebration. As the day got closer and closer I realized that I had over committed myself with activities on his birthday. When he asked me for a Mickey Mouse cake, I went to pintrest and found some wonderful ideas. Unfortunately, I didnt have time do make the fondant or be very creative. This is what I made in 30 min. A Mickey head. Its not pretty. I filled it with Vanilla Pudding and it tasted delicious. Way better than it looks. Add a few hours at Peter Piper Pizza, games, food and tokens and Asher didnt mind the ugly cake.
A few things about Asher:
Asher is a good friend. He is always telling us he loves us. He loves music and is always singing. If you ask him what he wants to be he will say " I want to be with the musical instruments". I think he means in a band.
He is fasinated by the mechanics of things. He wants to know how everything works. He loves books about the human body. He also loves learning about the solar system. His favorite planet is Venus because "it has bolvanos (volcanos) on it and poison gas". Asher loves anything Disney. Splash Mountain is his favorite ride.Im willing to bet he is the only kid his age that has watched "Song of the South" all the way through more than once.
He is so curious. I will post some of his favorite youtube views so you can see how his mind works. He such a fun kid. Its a joy to be his mother. Happy Birthday to my Asher-Basher. I love you. 

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