Monday, May 2, 2011

Things I dont understand

Well, here it is again. The complaining.
I was asked to be the Scout Master, which is something Im not thrilled about.
I'll be honest, (since this is MY blog) I personally dont think the church should ask you to be involved in scouts as a "calling". Nationally, its a volunteer postition. You have to really love scouting to want to be involved becuase its so tedious and time consuming. I think its a great program for young men, but I dont think I should be guilted into saying YES to scouting becuase Im a member of my church. Yes I see the correlation of strong ethics and values with faith. I think its a great program for boys. However; I (a woman ) dont want ANYTHING to do with scouts personally. Frankly, I feel like I said yes only to not appear difficult. After all, Im new and its the first assignment I've been given. I am dreading it...

And since Im murmmering--
Whats with people thinking I need to know everything about them by their bumper sticker, tweets, and facebook status. I get it, Bin Laden was killed...big news. Your choice of breakfast cereal and what episode of The Office you are gonna watch tonight...not news. I dont care.

Why do women think fake nails make them look prettier? I swear, I've seen more ladies with fake nails in the past month than I have in my lifetime. When I see long fake nails on women I think of :

1. This creepy scene in the movie "Something Wicked This way Comes" where the scary guy makes his own hand bleed with his long nails.
2. Nicodemus, the Rat from the Secret of Nimh movie.
3. Old ladies with long straggly hair, sitting in opium smoke filled rooms holding thier pipes.

And this:

I dont understand why they charge so much for a container that is suppose to hold spegetti. Have you ever gone to buy a pasta keeper? Gesh, its like highway robbery.

I dont understand how people can eat hummus. Not only is the texture nasty looking but it smells like surfboard wax. - And why, why, why does Costco insist on giving it to old people at tasting carts? And why,why, why do I always end up standing behind the man who ate too much hummus and has horrible GAS and a seasame seed from the cracker stuck in his tooth?

I dont understand why I am totally addicted to watching HOARDERS. When all I do is scream at the TV and gag while watching it.

Why do they have these stupid dolls for boys?My boys want one and I think they are sending a bad message. About pirates. And dolls. And, ok I just dont like them.

I dont understand this at all. Was this a joke? They didnt really think they looked good right?

Ok, enough. Im just getting it all out there. :)


Holbrook's said...

I TOTALLY AGREE about scouts!! I totally don't think that it should be a calling and it only is in some states where the Church is so prevalent otherwise your kid may have to actually go to scouts with kids of other faits (heaven forbid). I hated my scout calling, loved the boys they were super sweet but I hate the fact that it is intertwined with the church, at one time there was not a single "parent" being called into any scouting position totally frustrating. So I finally asked to be released. I was terrible at it.

Tess Jarvis said...

You crack me up. I love it. I have a comment to add about the pasta keeper thing, I had a fabulous one (i paid way too much for it) then mark bumped it out of the cupboard to the floor and busted it. Now I wont buy a new one since they cost so much and i've already bought one. Hang in there. Your kids are so cute.

Unknown said...

Loved your blog. Just barely started one myself and still a bit skiddish at it. Agreed with so much of this blog post. And got a kick out of the final hat pic from the royal wedding. Talk about doing just about anything to get the camera to notice you! Geez. lol. Have a fabulous day and your babies are adorable!!