Monday, August 16, 2010

Things I've learned about Living in AZ

I've been trying my hardest to not say my true feelings to the natives about how I view Arizona.
People ask me the same question all the time. "How do you like it here so far?" I choke out something polite. Something quick. Something surfaced and non committal.

As you may have guessed from prior posts. I don't like living in the desert. Honestly, I can say, I imagined living here much differently. Im not sure why. I knew there wouldn't be snow, but I thought it would be much more like the WEST that I grew up in. After all, I lived in St. George, Utah for 8 years. How much different could it be?

Here are just some of the strange things that have become apparent about living here.
1) No butter or chocolate can be left out for more than a few minutes. Unless you want it melted everywhere.
2) There is no such things as DOWN COMFORTERS in use here. At least not for 10 months of the year. And even then...not much.
3) Children do not were footy fleece pjs here, unless it reaches 70 degrees. WHAT??
4) For some reason, they start selling fall clothing here in August, like everywhere in the country that will actually get a change of season in the fall. You need school clothes like short sleeve shirts until November here, but they dont sell anything but fall things starting in August.- Idiots.
5) Halloween costumes must not be too hot for your kids. It was 80 degrees on Halloween day last year. And who the heck trick or treats in flip flops? (oh, just about everyone here!)
6) Cactus come in all shapes and sizes. Never mistake a flowering plant for a simple flower. They usually have prickles.
7) Spiders, especially black widows, love to hide in patio furniture. Especially futons.
8) When you hear people saying they live in "____ RESORT" it is always a trailer park, not a five star condo complex. Everyone here lives in a resort :)
9) People wear sweaters here to church. They even bring blankets to class. They say the building is too cold. The thermostat is set at 78.
10) A bag of ice will melt in 15 minutes in the trunk of your car in 113 degree weather.

Seriously, I think I am being tested. I must have to go through living here to prepare me for a mission to some tropical place in the world someday. OR maybe Im being shown what hell will be like, so I will live life better. Whatever the reason. This is never how I imagined life in Arizona.
Im pregnant which makes everything seem worse. The heat makes me sick. I've been ill everyday for 6 weeks. Nothing seems to help. Hopefully, I can make a list in a few months of things I actually like about Arizona. In the meantime pray for me. ...NO seriously, pray for me.


Whidget said...

I really hate to say it, but I TOLD YOU SO! :P I said, WEST is good, AZ bad! MOVE HERE! I have the house down the street saved for when you decide to. :-)

Hannah and Mike said...

Amen, Eden. I have always said I never wanted to live especially in the phoenix/mesa area because it basically is hell. It feels like your face will melt off if you go outside. Good luck, I'm sure you will acclimate eventually.

Nikki Painter said...

your comment about hell and living your life better really made me laugh!