Two souls, filled with passion, dreams and potential. Waking to unblemished days, uncomplicated decisions. Learning to trust and walk hand in hand. Oh sweet ignorance and youth! The climb was easy in the beginning. We had endurance and our burdens were light.
It is all around us now. The ripples of good choices. The echos of those who testified of true happiness.
Sometimes, when we listen hard enough, we can hear them. Calling down from the mount. Calling us to remembrance. Encouraging us to continue to climb.
Smiles, tears, laughter, screams, smelly diapers, colored markers, Johnson and Johnson, peanut butter, little shoes, smoking trains, smudgy fingerprints, crayoned sick figures, Disney songs, scary monsters, McDonald's toys, hugs and kisses.
It is all around us now.
Can the low Valley's last for years and peaks rise from unstable ground?
Can Eight short years change your life forever?
Yes, yes it can.
Here is to you my love, my life, my friend.-Eight years has flown by.
They haven't been without some trials. Like every marriage, the peaks and valleys have been present. Sometimes we were in different places. You on a peak, me in a valley. The trick is helping eachother to the summit and finishing together. Our journey continues. I'm grateful for your companionship on the trek of life. It makes the valleys easier to cross and rise from. It sweetens the peaks and enhances the views. Here's to the journey. Oh, the joy in the journey. Here is to our Peaks and Valleys. What endurance they have built. What muscles, what lessons, what faith.
Happy Anniversary Babe!
What a pretty tribute! :-) I love that hair on Mike in the first photo! HOLY COW, 8 years! Congrats! You're still a very handsome couple!
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