Friday, June 13, 2008

Open Mouth, Insert Foot.

Like most of us, I say things sometimes that I wish I hadn't. When you talk as much as I do, sometimes things just come out. Its diarrhea of the mouth, and its chronic with me. I don't try to be mean, I just speak my mind.

Sunday there is talk about the missionary meals in the ward. My girlfriend sitting next to me mentions that one of the missionaries is a vegetarian. So this is a particular soapbox of mine and I just start going off.

Me: " Why is it that we send our American missionaries to foreign countries where they have to eat what they are given or they starve? And our American missionaries feel obliged to be picky and have eating preferences forced on those who are doing them a favor by feeding them. I understand if you are allergic, suffer from disease or have health issues that have food restrictions. But being a vegetarian by choice is not a reason to have everyone in the ward cater to your food whims. Get over it. If you dont like it, dont eat it. But shut up about it. We dont need a special announcement made about what we can make you for dinner and what we cant. You will eat what I make for my family. If you dont like it, tough! How ridiculous. It really makes me mad!!!"
My Friend: "shhhh.They are sitting right there."
Me: "Who?"
My Friend: " The missionaries"

They were on the row in front of me. ARGGG!


Nate and Jen Poulson said...

Don't worry. I got your back for things like that if you've got mine. I'm usually on your end of that conversation.
I'm still laughing.

Kids in the Kong said...

I am right there with you when it comes to the missionaries (practically begging for food). You are doing them a service, which should be appreciated regardless of their likes and dislikes.

I have made food for people before though that did have food allergies and health conditions so they could not eat most of what I cooked--I wish they would have said something beforehand.

I'm almost glad you said something within hearing range, hopefully more people will think about it and be grateful for what they are given.

Jodi said...

Thats the Eden I know and love!!! I totally agree with you and think its good that they heard.